Author: zsolt

  • Psychological and philosophical issues with AI and what it can teach us about being human

    The rate of technological progress exceeded the rate of our psychological development by orders of magnitude in last couple of centuries. Psychologically, we’re pretty much the same, if not less developed, as the ancient Greeks might have been and yet the technology at our disposal would have been unimaginable even a few decades ago. The […]

  • Growth vs. transformation

    Growth seems to be an unquestionably positive concept in the zeitgeist of the 21st century. Not only positive, but also as a kind of a natural law that governs the universe and can be discovered in all domains of life. Hence growth is depicted and perceived as the ultimate good to strive for. Screw balance […]

  • Certainty

    Pretending to know how you got here, how this existence came about and what your role and place in it is, will give you an air of certainty, no doubt. If you are really good at this, you can even fool yourself not only others, and really believe that you know, that you have certainty. […]

  • Konfliktus

    A nézeteltérés azáltal válik konfliktussá, hogy a felek zéró összegű játszmában érzik magukat. Amíg arról folytatunk elvont vitát, hogy a kenyér jót tesz az egészségnek vagy sem, nézeteltérésünk van. Amikor egy szelet kenyér van és mindketten éhesek vagyunk, az már konfliktus. Érdek különbözőség van. A szükségleteink konfliktusban állnak. A te túlélésed veszélyezteti az enyémet. Vannak, […]

  • Enough

    Not too much, not too little. Just enough. We seem to have lost our ability to feel what’s enough somewhere around the upgrade from stone to iron axe. Since then, we’ve had too much of some things and too little of others. We’ve lost our natural balance and peace of mind, which other animals who […]

  • Conflict

    Disagreement turns into conflict when the parties involved feel like they are in a zero-sum game. While we are having an abstract debate about whether bread is good for our health or not, we have a difference of opinion. When there is one slice of bread left and we are both hungry, that is a […]

  • Elhitted, hogy megérkeztél

    Elhitted, hogy megérkeztél. Nem a végállomásra, csak egy mérföldkőhöz, ahol meg lehet pihenni és ahonnan látszik a következő állomás. De rájössz, hogy tévedtél. Ami mérföldkőnek tűnt a távolból, az valójában egy vacak műanyag zacskó, amit a szél felfeszített egy bokor tüskéire. Csalódott vagy, szomorú. Belátod, azt sem tudod jó irányba mész-e vagy sem. Felmerül benned, […]

  • You thought you had arrived

    You thought you had arrived. Not at the final destination, just at a milestone where you can rest and from where you can see the next place to stop. But you realize you were wrong. What looked like a milestone from a distance, was actually a crappy plastic bag strung on the spikes of a […]

  • Az erdő szakadatlan békéje

    Egy viszonylag hosszú kihagyás után, ma reggel felsétáltam a nagykopaszhegyi kilátóba. Lassan, megfontoltan, az erdő csodáiban gyönyörködve sem tart tovább az út 45 percnél, szóval nincs igazán jó kifogás arra, hogy miért nem megyek gyakrabban. Ha csak az nem, hogy az utóbbi hetekben az “énidő”, jó esetben alvásra korlátozódott. De mi másra számítana az ember […]

  • The deeply ingrained sense of not being good enough

    The feeling of inadequacy, of not being good enough, not being worthy is such a domineering factor in the human experience. It’s there in all of us by design, as a side effect of the intellect. It’s very apparent in some people and it goes unnoticed by the vast majority. I feel lucky to belong […]

  • Pretending you know

    Have you ever seen a couple of months old baby up close?  If you have, you must have noticed how they look at the world around them. With complete awe, and as if they have no clue about what’s going on, what all this is. The inadequacy, and awkwardness of their every action is proof […]

  • How to Break Out of the Busy Trap: Waste Time Consciously

    You never seem to finish your to-do list. And you often don’t even know what to do first because so many important and urgent tasks compete for your attention. You’ve tried every productivity app, but your several to do lists keep on growing. You’ve read all the articles on how to get more done. What […]

  • The Many Facets of Veganism and How It Can Improve Health and Finances at The Same Time

    Thanks to a number of influential people over the years shifting to veganism, it has grown in popularity year-on-year, with many jumping on the bandwagon without fully understanding what it is all about. So with that in mind, this article will provide an overview of veganism, particularly in terms of how it can have an […]

  • The thrill of letting go

    The sun has gone down, and it’s new moon. You are riding a bike downhill a serpentine road patterned by patches of gravel and potholes. The headlamp you are wearing is not designed for this. You only see what’s in front of you when it may be too late.

  • How to treat insomnia

    Almost everyone is affected by insomnia at some point in their lives, the condition in which you have the opportunity to sleep and yet you can’t. There are different types of insomnia and there may be several underlying causes. I’ll be talking about what I have here, which is transient insomnia.

  • Louis CK Performs Live in Budapest

    Louis CK came to Budapest. And I went to see him. I haven’t always been a fan. I recall my first encounter of his stand up on YouTube very vividly. It was a piece where he groans like a moron for about two minutes. I didn’t judge him by that alone though. I had a […]

  • The spiritual depths of mountain biking

    When you are out biking in the woods, you naturally prefer going downhill to going uphill. Downhills are easy and fun. Uphills are arduous, even frustrating at times.

  • The lessons I learnt trying to learn too many lessons

    I began this year with reflection, looking back at the past year trying to connect the dots. One thing stood out: I had consumed a ton of information in various shapes and forms and had several realizations of my own. And yet, I didn’t feel I had managed to keep a good record of these […]

  • From Monkey Mind to No Mind

    Mind, as a noun, is quite misleading. It sounds like a part of your body, an organ even, while it’s actually a function of the brain. It’s a process that your consciousness perceives as the inner chatter, a relentless succession of thoughts. Only by making that distinction do you have a chance to take control […]

  • How being an info junkie fucks up your life

    Your mind is drowning in information. It’s screaming for help, but you can’t hear it. You get a sense that something isn’t right, but you don’t know what. So you search for what might be the problem and feed your mind even more information in the process.